Category: Medical blogging

  • Grand Rounds for 1/24/2006

    Kevin, MD hosts this weeks grand rounds: Welcome to Grand Rounds, the weekly best the medical blogosphere has to offer, and a hello to all the new readers from WebMD. I’m honored to be hosting for the third time – it has come a long way since Kevin, M.D. last hosted way back in 2004.

  • Medblog Grand Rounds 1/17/2006

    Gruntdoc hosted this weeks grand rounds. Thanks.

  • Medblog Grand Rounds 1/10/2006

    This week’s Grand Rounds I work in a large tertiary care center which is probably one of the biggest and busiest hospitals in the world. There are doctors from all sorts of subspecialties, nurses, supportive personnel and, of course, thousands of patients who make this whole endeavor worthwhile. This organization is glued together by the…