Latest Dietary Advice for Prostate Cancer – Renal and Urology News

A range of foods, nutrients, and dietary patterns are being studied for prostate cancer prevention or treatment, according to a 2015 research review.

Source: Latest Dietary Advice for Prostate Cancer – Renal and Urology News

While the ideal diet prescription has yet to be determined, the investigators suggest counseling men with these tips, in line with emerging research and a heart healthy diet:

  • Increase fruits and vegetables.
  • Replace refined carbohydrates with whole grains.
  • Reduce total and saturated fat intake.
  • Avoid overcooked meats (such as charred barbecue).
  • Consume fewer calories (by reducing carbohydrates, for example) to achieve a healthy body weight.

Men often ask about dietary changes if they have prostate cancer.  I have been telling them for years to follow a heart healthy diet, which also will help with their prostate cancer.